The new EP 311 web app has launched! We have been working hard to create a brand-new experience to better serve our community Learn More

The City of El Paso’s 3-1-1 Program is the City's reporting and information citizen hotline.

EP 311 Program

ep311The NEW EP 311 web app has launched! You will need to create a new account (or you can report anonymously). Learn more about the new application including answers to your questions:

Learn More

The City of El Paso’s 3-1-1 Program is a type of citizens’ hotline. It’s a simple way for you to report problems or ask questions about your community, without tying up emergency lines, or going through frustrating municipal channels. The 3-1-1 Customer Service Center can make requests and provide information for more than 20 City departments. Learn more about the types of issues you can report below.

View Common Issues

311 is a non-emergency service and is not monitored 24/7. In the case of an emergency, calls will be immediately transferred to 911.


311 Call Center hours of operation are Monday-Sunday 7:00 am to 11:00 pm including holidays.



Report Online

There are two ways to report, anonymously or with an account to receive updates, have staff contact you, or view your reported issues.

Login & Report   Report Anonymously

Report By Phone

Dial 3-1-1 from your home or mobile phone.

Types of Issues

Code Enforcement Violations

  • Weeds and trash: Grass, weeds, or uncultivated plants should not be allowed to become overgrown. Remember, maintenance of vegetation in parkways and alleys is the property owner's responsibility. (El Paso Municipal Code 9.04.860)
  • Domestic Storage: Storing materials outside that would not be generally used outdoors, such as indoor furniture or appliances, is prohibited. (El Paso Municipal Code 20.14.190)
  • Junked Vehicles: An uncovered junked vehicle or junk vehicle parts may not be stored in a residential area where it is visible from the street. (El Paso Municipal Code 9.08.010)
  • Off-street Parking: Vehicles shall not be parked in the front or side yard of a home unless the parking surfacing is composed of concrete, asphalt or another comparable dust-free surface. (El Paso Municipal Code 20.14.040)
  • Garage and Yard Sales: It is unlawful for the owner or occupant in a residential district to hold yard or garage sales more than three (3) times a calendar year on the same lot. You cannot conduct a yard or garage sale for more than two (2) days at a time. (El Paso Municipal Code 20.10.750)
  • Illegal Dumping: It is unlawful to dispose of solid or hazardous waste - such as garbage, construction materials and used tires - in vacant lots and other non-permitted areas. (El Paso Municipal Code 9.04.670)
  • Sidewalk Obstructions: Keep tree branches, foliage, hedges and shrubs trim, so there is at least eight feet clearance between their overhang and the sidewalk. (El Paso Municipal Code 12.68.030 B,C)
  • Prohibited Sales: It is prohibited to sell merchandise - such as vehicles, novelties or any other goods - on vacant lots or a public right-of-way, which is commonly known as a street, easement or sidewalk. Vehicle sales are also not allowed on parking lots. (El Paso Municipal Code 13.20.040)
  • Illegal Signs On The Parkway: Signs located in the public right-of-way must be framed, portable two-sided and freestanding, without requiring staking into the ground. Signs are not permitted on the median. (El Paso Municipal Code 15.08.120)

Other Issues

  • Graffiti
  • Potholes
  • Loud noise
  • Traffic signals

Information & Follow Up

Call 3-1-1 to find information on:

  • Library hours and locations
  • Zoo hours
  • Park locations and pools


How do I follow up on service requests?

El Paso 3-1-1 will send an automatic “Service Request” to the corresponding department for their response. A tracking number is assigned to each Service Request and the public can call back to check on the status of their request. While we try to answer questions on the first call, sometimes transfers are necessary.


How do I report missed pick-up and other trash container issues?

Please visit the Environmental Services Application