Current Term: 2nd | Term Ends: January 2029
Thank you for electing me as your City Representative for District 7.
Share any questions or comments regarding District 7:
City Representative Lily LimónCity of El Paso300 N. Campbell El Paso, Texas 79901[email protected]
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Lily Limón is a retired educator, community leader, volunteer and political consultant. Limón is an El Paso native who graduated from Austin High School and later earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Texas at El Paso. She served as a Spanish teacher, assistant principal and principal in the Ysleta Independent School District, earning numerous awards for her distinguished service. After retirement, she focused on public service. She has held leadership roles with a wide range of community groups and was the District 7 representative on the El Paso City Council for four years. Most recently, she accepted the Bishop Mark Seitz’s call to serve on the El Paso Commission on Migration to help the community respond to the ongoing migrant crisis. She also has helped top El Paso area Democratic Party candidates craft successful campaigns that resonated with their constituents.
Limón's accolades and leadership roles include: