All municipal court offices will be closed Cesar Chavez Day, March 31, 2025.
There are many different ways to pay your citation, warrant, and court fees. Many adults choose to pay their fines prior to a court appearance. If you would like to do so, please follow the sections below.
If you are under 17 years of ages State law requires that you appear, with a parent or legal guardian, before a judge at your arraignment or at trial prior to paying your fine. Do not mail the fine payment until after you appear before a judge. Payments sent for juvenile defendants prior to the juvenile’s appearance in Court will not be accepted.
The forfeiture of the cash bond that will be posted in your case satisfies the fine and costs. You do not need to do anything more. You have the right to a new trial in this case. You must make your motion for a new trial no later than the 20th day after you post your full payment. If you make the motion for a new trial, the Court shall grant your motion and will schedule you for a trial. Please identify any address change. All Court correspondence will be sent to the address you provided to the officer, unless an address change has been filed with the Court.
Bring your payment, with identification, in person to any court location. The person who received the citation must be present with identification. A citation may NOT be paid for another person unless the case has a guilty disposition and/or have a payment plan. El Paso Municipal Court accepts:
Payment By Check, Money Order, Or Cashier's CheckMake your check, money order, or cashier's check payable to City of El Paso in the full amount due. Write your ticket number on the payment along with your driver’s license number and date of birth. All payments by check will be converted to an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). Check and/or Money Order may be mailed to:
Municipal Court810 E Overland El Paso, TX 79901(Returned Check Fee: A $30 fee will be charged on all returned checks.)
Pay By PhoneYou may pay by phone by dialing (915) 212-0232. Warrants will remain active until paid in full.
Pay Online/In-Person with Credit/Debit CardWe accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards. To pay by credit card, bring your credit card with identification to any Court location or pay online.
If you would like to request a 180 day payment plan, you must fill out an application. You may fill out the application AND plea (Español) or request an application in person at 810 E. Overland, at any of our bond office locations, or by email at [email protected]. The request must be received before your court appearance or arraignment date. ONLY the person who received the citation or an attorney licensed to practice in Texas may request the extension.
If you believe you are indigent or unable to pay the fine in full, you may request an indigency hearing before the judge at 810 E. Overland.
On a case-by-case basis, the judge will determine whether or not you are indigent. The judge may grant community service in lieu of paying your fine or grant/extend a payment plan. For additional information you may contact us at (915) 212-0232.
State law requires the Court to add a reimbursement fee per violation when a person requests to pay a fine or state fees over a period of time rather than immediately. The reimbursement fee will be added on the 31st day from the date of conviction. If you pay your fine within the first 30 days, the reimbursement fee will not apply. If any amount of your fine remains unpaid on the 31st day, the reimbursement fee will be applied to each violation.
If you have not plead on all charges shown on the ticket by the appearance date, Pre-Warrant hearing, or Pre-Capias hearing, you may expect an arrest warrant to be issued and a $50 warrant fee to be added to your fine upon activation of warrant. If your vehicle has been booted, a $50 boot fee will be added to the total amount owed on your delinquent parking citations.
If you are in the custody of law enforcement officers or your vehicle has been booted or stored by law enforcement officers, checks will NOT be accepted for the payment of your fine or the posting of bond. You must pay in full by cash, money order, cashier's check, credit card, or you must post a bail bond or surety bond.
If a commitment or warrant is not paid within 60 calendar days from the date it is activated, it will be placed with the City's collection agency. If a parking citation is not paid within 75 days from the date of issuance it will be placed with the City’s collection agency.
In compliance with the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 103, Article 103.0031(b), once the commitment, warrant, or parking citation is placed with the City's collection agency, an additional 30% collection fee will be added to the amount owed on the case. For example, if the fines and court costs on the case total $100, once the case is placed with collection agency, the amount owed will rise 30% to $130 total.
There are many different reasons why you may receive a fine. There are speeding, parking, alcohol, and other common violations that all incur different charges. Please note that these amounts apply to cases paid before arraignment or trial and are subject to acceptance by the judge. At arraignment or trial, the judge of the court in which your case is docketed may fine you within the fine range stipulated by law. Please be advised that the fine amount may be higher than the bond amounts shown here.
Bond Schedule
You will be charged with the following depending on zone, and how fast over the speed limit you were going:
Speeding Schedule
You can be charged from $25 to $275 for parking violations depending the type/severity of the violation (expired meter, parking in places you are not allowed to, not having a parking permit, etc.). Additionally, all fines increase by $10 for every 30 days the citation is delinquent, up to a maximum of $60 in delinquency fees per violation plus a 30% collection agency fee that will apply to all cases placed with the collection agency on the 75th day after ticket issuance.
Parking Schedule
To request an in-person hearing for your citation (within 14 days of it being issued) contact:
Hearings will be held in person and will be scheduled between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you received a notice from the Court by mail informing you of a parking ticket that was issued to a vehicle that you no longer own at the time of issuance of the citation(s), please provide the following (where applicable):
If your vehicle was impounded or booted due to having 3 or more delinquent parking citations:
You can request a post-immobilization hearing and this hearing must be held within 24 hours of the request, and the decision of this hearing is final. The main goal of the hearing is to determine if the booting/impound was done lawfully.
See Parking FAQs