Our City’s focus is to increase new and sustainable career opportunities, facilitate local and international business growth while contributing to a high quality of life for residents and visitors.
El Paso is the largest metropolitan area along the Texas-Mexico border which boasts a best-in-class, business-friendly operating environment and a high quality of living. The sixth-largest city in Texas, El Paso is a top 20% U.S. performing economy and continues to experience economic growth by attracting new businesses and helping companies grow. Our region represents one of North America’s largest manufacturing centers, thanks to its strategic location on the border and its bilingual and bi-cultural workforce. Our area creates an intersection of possibilities for economic development.
View Economic Snapshot
The City of El Paso International Airport and Economic & International Development has partnered with the Aerospace Center and the W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation at UTEP to offer a manufacturing workspace and support to early-stage, new, or existing manufacturing technology businesses targeting the aerospace, defense or other advanced manufacturing markets. The City will offset 100 percent of the rent and operational costs for manufacturing technology businesses looking to start or relocate their company to El Paso’s Innovation Factory on Airport property.
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Texas Comptroller’s Chapter 380 and 381 Agreement Database
The El Paso Foreign Trade Zone is core to our regional and international business. It is an integral part of the City's investment strategy providing a business platform to prosper in the region. Learn more about and become part of the FTZ.
El Paso's Foreign Trade Zone
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is providing a Coronavirus Small Business Guide that will help you know all your available resources to help your business bounce back and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coronavirus Small Business Guide
Governor Greg Abbott has issued an Executive Order No.GA-34 lifting the mask mandate in Texas and increasing capacity of all businesses and facilities in the state to 100 percent. Wearing a face covering is still strongly encouraged.
Executive Order No. GA-34
El Paso aims to help local businesses compete for public and private contracts and grow. It is the product of a Procurement Playbook, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, co-created by the Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program and the Nowak Metro Finance Lab at Drexel University and carried out in close collaboration with a broad array of local governments, chambers and other stakeholders.
About Supply El Paso
As the 22nd largest city in the U.S., El Paso represents one of the largest international border metroplexes in the world because it borders the state of New Mexico and the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. El Paso has many business related accomplishments which include:
El Pasoans are ready for new and diverse options in grocery, dining and entertainment, sports & outdoor recreation, destination concepts, and many more! Expanding our base of quality retail is a priority and we would like to extend an invitation to become part of our growing and vibrant community! Within the last two years, our city has welcomed numerous retailers with open arms and record-setting grand openings.