Economic & International Development

Redevelopment & TIRZ

Redevelopment and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones

The Redevelopment Division for the City of El Paso promotes efforts that eliminate urban blight, by promoting infill development, redevelopment, rehabilitation and historic preservation. We also believe these efforts enhance opportunities for the City to create new jobs, increase the tax base, revitalize neighborhoods, and improve the overall quality of life. Redevelopment incentives are available for businesses and commercial property owners throughout the city looking to redevelop, re-use or preserve vacant land or existing buildings. We encourage the redevelopment of existing properties or vacant infill land for uses of mixed-use properties, multi-family housing and commercial/industrial.

The Economic & International Development Department is currently working virtual.

Economic & International Development Office

Please contact the Economic & International Development office for a directory listing of personnel to assist you on information on our site:

(915) 212-0094
[email protected]

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Infill Development Incentive Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide financial incentives to develop vacant and underutilized properties within the City limits. The City recognizes there may be physical and monetary challenges to developing such parcels and have provided financial incentives to make it economically feasible to do so.

As an additional source of financing to assist in funding a project, the City not only seeks to develop vacant and underutilized lots but also to promote high-quality development. We will be enforcing strict guidelines and criteria that must be followed/met in order to submit an application.

Amendment to Infill Incentive Policy

Transit Oriented Development Incentive Policy

Transit Oriented Development Incentive Policy (TOD) provides incentives within designated TOD areas to improve mobility and travel choices, spur economic development, support downtown revitalization, and stimulate investment in established neighborhoods. Most transit riders begin and end their trips as pedestrians and the streets around transit stations and stops should be safe, interesting, and convenient for pedestrians. If you would like to apply for a TOD fill and submit this form.

 Resolution - Transit Oriented Development Incentive Policy

See a geographical view of Infill and Transit Oriented Development Projects using our:

Redevelopment Agreements Map


Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones

Tax increment financing (TIF) is a financing method local governments can use to pay for improvements that will draw private investment to an area. Tax increment financing isn’t a new tax; instead, it redirects some of the ad valorem tax from property in a geographic area designated as a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) to pay for improvements in the zone. The benefits of a TIRZ include:

  • Builds needed public infrastructure in areas lacking adequate development to attract businesses.
  • Encourages development, thereby increasing property values and long-term property tax collections.
  • Reduces the cost of private development by providing reimbursement for eligible public improvements.

A geographical view of all TIRZ projects and areas can be viewed using our:


Downtown Management District (DMD)
Administered Programs


The purpose of the Downtown Commercial Façade Improvement Grant Program (The Program) Guidelines is to provide funding to existing business and/or property owners to make improvements to the exterior of buildings located in the boundaries of the program area.

The Facade Improvement Grant Program application outlines the required documentation to include with the submission in electronic file format. 

The Program will provide matching grant funds on a reimbursement basis only for approved eligible exterior renovation improvements that are attached to or a part of a physical building structure to include restoration, preservation, and/or rehabilitation of commercial property within the eligible area of Downtown El Paso.

Interested applicants should contact the El Paso Downtown Management District to schedule an appointment to discuss the outlined requirement contained in the guidelines. 

Terry Mais, Office & Project Coordinator
201 E. Main, Suite 107 El Paso, TX 79901
(915) 400-2294, ext. 102
[email protected]

City of El Paso Historic Preservation