City of El Paso administrative offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) exists for the purpose of overseeing the City's Civil Service system, the purpose of which is to ensure fairness, economy, and efficiency in the selection process and personnel system created for the classified employees and performing the duty of hearing grievances by or against classified employees. The CSC consists of 9 members, one per district (8 in total) and one from Mayor all appointed by the Council (See City Charter Article 6, Amended 5/7/94, 5/12/07, and 5/11/13, and Ordinances 011785, 011961, and 018640).
The CSC holds monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of a given month. A minimum of 5 members must be present in order to hold a meeting. These meetings are live-streamed and saved on The City of El Paso YouTube channel and in text form.
See CSC Agendas See Archived CSC Agendas (prior to 08/2022)
The duties of the CSC are as follows:
Recommend to the Council:
Investigate matters concerning the enforcement and effect of the Civil Service provisions of this Charter in the manner prescribed by the Rules or by established Commission procedure.
Hear and determine appeals or complaints as may be further prescribed in the Rules.
Oversee the Civil Service provisions of this Charter ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all persons coming before the Commission.
Appoint hearing officers.
*Amended by vote of the people 5/7/94, 5/12/07, 5/11/13
Members of the Commission must be residents of the City at the time of their appointment and remaina resident of the City throughout their term of office. A list of all qualifications is as follows:
No Commissioner shall be related in any manner to:
*Article III, Section 3.3 B (Any violation of this provision shall be deemed malfeasance in office and cause for removal therefrom)
And for the CSC members as a whole:
*Amended by vote of the people 5/12/07, 5/11/13
All commissioners will serve 3-year terms and all terms shall end on January 31st of the next following year, as applicable. All terms thereafter shall commence on February 1st. Commissioners serving consecutive terms shall be limited to 2 full successive three-year terms, regardless of the date of their original appointments. No person may serve as a member of the Commission for more than a total of 10 years throughout their lifetime and cannot be appointed as a member of the CSC if the full length of the term would exceed 10 years. The one-time extension of a term under this section to provide for the uniform termination and commencement date of the terms shall not be included in the calculation of the lifetime service of a member of the Commission. (Amended by vote of the people 5/12/07, 5/11/13).See Board Info and Current CSC Members
Civil Service Commission - Rules & Regulations Classification & Compensation - Ordinance 8064
Symone MenchacaHuman Resources[email protected](915) 212-1242
For more details about the CSC and its policies and duties, please read City Charter- Article VI – Civil Service.