City of El Paso administrative offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The MACC is the only 2012 bond-project so far that has had a subcommittee created of citizens appointed by Mayor and Council to drive deeper public engagement, develop community-driven programming, and site recommendations.
Additionally, there has been extensive public outreach for this project going back to 2015:
As the MACC gets closer to construction and completion, the city will host additional charrettes to shape the programming and amenities that will be in the facility.
The City of El Paso held a digital community meeting on May 9, 2020 to engage the public in the design of the Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC).
The session enabled the public to collaborate and explore design ideas with the design team for the MACC and the adjacent Cleveland Square. Design for the MACC is expected to be completed by the end of October 2020; the schedule for construction will be developed in consideration of the availability of funding due to the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic to the City.
The City is offering interested public that were unable to participate in the design session the opportunity to weigh in on the design via online polling and by viewing a video of the community meeting.
Fall 2019Design phase, charrettes, public meetingsExecutive Director national search
Winter 2019Master strategic planning process begins
Spring 2020Construction procurement and awardMaster exhibition/programming process finalized
Fall 2021Construction. Original schedule deferred due to theCovid-19 pandemic.
Summer 2024Center opens