All municipal court offices will be closed Cesar Chavez Day, March 31, 2025.
The City of El Paso, other governmental agencies and non-profit community agencies participate in the Municipal Court Community Service Program (MCCSP) to provide meaningful work to individuals who have been assigned community service hours by a municipal court judge. In turn, the hours served provide a labor source to these agencies which benefits the community.
In addition, judges and staff, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, provide presentations to juveniles on issues such as underage drinking, traffic safety, theft, and drug trafficking. Presentations are held every two months. The Municipal Court also participates in Teen Court which provides education about the juvenile justice system, including community service and life skills classes.
The El Paso Municipal Court Community Service Program strives to provide meaningful community service projects as alternative sentencing for Class C misdemeanor convictions, to serve as a deterrent to recidivism, and to promote responsible civic behavior from participants in the program.
The MCCSP enforces a strict dress code designed for the safety of the clients. Those who do not comply will be sent home when they report for service.
See Community Services FAQs