All municipal court offices will be closed Cesar Chavez Day, March 31, 2025.
Jury trials are held the last Thursday and Friday of each month and more frequently, as scheduled by the Municipal Court judges. Jurors are summoned by the Municipal Court Clerk for service at trial and the juror pool is drawn from voter’s registration rolls and Department of Public Safety rolls. In order to serve as a juror you must reside within the limits of the City of El Paso.
Jurors who are scheduled for March 27th at 8:30am are required to appear.
Jurors who are scheduled for March 27th at 12:30pm are excused and are no longer required to appear.
For juror updates please give us a call at 915-212-0215.
Please verify that your notice is from the El Paso Municipal Court and not the County (915) 546-8102 or Federal Courts (915) 534-6725.
The following people are welcome to serve as jurors, but may claim an exemption to juror service if so desired:
If you have been summoned as a juror please confirm your attendance the day before the day you are scheduled to serve by calling (915) 212-0215 or (915) 212-0224. If the case has been resolved at the last minute or if it has been reset to a future date, your call will allow us to inform you, sparing you a trip to the courthouse. If you have been summoned as a juror and you fail to appear, you may be subject to a $100 fine for contempt as ordered by the judge.
The Court does not have a parking area for jurors but you may park at a metered parking space. If you receive an Expired Meter citation, please bring, or mail, the citation with your juror letter/certificate to the Court to have the Hearing Officer review the documents for ticket dismissal. This applies to tickets issued for Expired Meter violations only.