The City of El Paso has a street network valued at $3.6 billion. In recent years, the City has made significant strides in street improvements.
Annually, the City invests $10 million in resurfacing projects through a pay-as-you-go program, that allows the City to make improvements without issuing debt. This program allocates $7 million for residential streets and $3 million for collector/arterial streets, such as Lee Trevino, Geronimo and Fred Wilson and Belvidere.
More resurfacing improvements are needed. Every two years, the City Council through recommendations from City staff approves a list of streets to receive street resurfacing improvements over the following two years. View a list of streets scheduled to be resurfaced in 2022 and 2023.
The improvements are programmed two years in advance to enable the City to strategically plan and coordinate the resurfacing work with contractors and utilities.
Streets are selected for resurfacing improvements based on multiple factors including their pavement condition index rating, their geographic locations, and whether there are pending utility improvements. The City uses a street’s location to identify resurfacing gaps, the gaps are then programmed for resurfacing work to provide smooth riding surfaces for the entire neighborhood.