Vision Zero

Progress & Data

Progress Updates

The Vision Zero Action Plan kicked off in September 2022 and is currently underway. We are in the initial stages of identifying goals and strategies and evaluating the crash data. We will finalize the draft action plan in the spring of 2023. The Vision Zero Action Plan is a data-driven process to understand the types of crashes that frequently happen in El Paso. We blend the data with your experiences and input to identify the most dangerous behaviors and locations in El Paso, in order to prevent future crashes.

The next phases of the project will put this data into practice—advising city officials on how El Paso’s policies, programs, and design of our roadways can help achieve the city’s goal of zero roadway injuries and fatalities. The action plan will identify specific roles, funding priorities, and costs to implement recommendations in the final report.

2023 Updates

expoAs of now, the El Paso Vision Zero has accomplished quite a lot and is on the way to a draft El Paso Vision Zero action plan. So far, the project team has connected with community members by convening a public meeting on December 8th, 2023, conducting a community survey, meeting with our El Paso Vision Zero Task Force, conducting stakeholder and staff interviews, and taking part in a multiple-day site visit. In addition, the project team has conducted several analyses focused on understanding El Paso’s crash trends and the conditions that may be influencing or contributing to those crashes. This work is leading to the next phase of the project — understanding opportunities to make El Paso’s roadways safer.

The project team is in the process of finalizing the comprehensive systemic safety analysis and is beginning to develop recommendations. This work will lead to the development of the El Paso Vision Zero Action Plan.

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Engagement Updates

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Project Timeline

In El Paso, we are committed to achieving Vision Zero — the goal of eliminating all traffic-related deaths and serious injuries — but we can’t do it alone. We need the support and engagement of our community to make our streets safe for everyone.

We invite you to get involved in creating safer streets in our city. Together we can make our city a safer place for everyone.

= Community Engagement

Fall 2022

Existing Conditions
Review Crash Data,
Understand Crash Trends

Winter 2023

Vision & Goal Setting
High Injury Network (HIN) Development,
Understand Crash Behaviors

Spring 2023

Strategies & Action Steps
Develop Policy and Countermeasures, Review with Stakeholders

We Are Here

Summer 2023

Action Plan
Public-forward, Graphically-Rich Story;
Priority Actions; Plan Adoption;
Apply for Grant Funding

Fall 2023 and Beyond

Conceptual Design of Key Areas
on High Injury Network

Upcoming Events

-coming soon-

Past Events

El Paso Vision Zero Kickoff Event

See Photos

Live Active El Paso Glow in the Park Event

See Photos

El Paso Vision Zero Open House Event

See Photos

Love Your Heart Walk

See Photos

Expo Familia 2023

See Photos

Update to City Council

June 6, 2023

El Paso Vision Zero Action Plan Final Draft Presentation

mapsVision Zero Dashboard

View and explore the El Paso Vision Zero online dashboard. This interactive map and dashboard allow users to create custom visualizations based on attributes and which factors contributed to crashes in El Paso over the past five years. The dashboard also includes an option to view an interactive High Injury Network for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as vehicles and motorcycles.

El Paso Vision Zero is a data-driven process informed by where, how, and why crashes are occurring, as well as by information about the context surrounding the crash. Having this dashboard allows us to view El Paso’s progress in eliminating traffic deaths and injuries and to identify areas where investment can reduce serious crashes. For the best performance, please use a laptop or desktop computer to view the dashboard.

See Dashboard