Community & Human Development

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Deadline: March 7, 2025
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Community & Homeless Assistance

El Paso Helps

Formally launching Fall of 2022, El Paso Helps serves as a collaboration of organizations providing support to families in crisis to drive stability within the community.  
With support from The United Way of El Paso, the Opportunity Center for the Homeless, Amistad, Family Endeavors, and Cisco, we are ensuring that families and individuals experiencing homelessness are connected to services immediately.

Access The El Paso Helps Portal Here

Find Help

Find Help

Get Connected to a Resilience Navigator who can provide assistance and resource navigation to community resources, case management services, referrals to basic needs assistance, and access to housing stabilization services.

(915) 400-7401

Street Outreach

Street Outreach

24/7 Availability of Social Workers trained in street outreach with a focus on reducing response time and increasing the number of individuals with access to services. Services are provided by Amistad.

(915) 298-1115 - 24 Hours Homeless Street Outreach Team

Find Shelter

Find Shelter

The Welcome Center helps provide initial stabilization to support, triage, and refer to an appropriate community provider. Services also include immediate access to necessities including short-term shelter, meals, access to showers, and laundry. Services are provided by the Opportunity Center for the Homeless.

(915) 248-5567

Rental/Utility Assistance

Rental/Utility Assistance

El Paso United

General Assistance: (915) 400-7401

See Website

Utility Assistance

Utility Assistance

El Paso County General Assistance

(915) 273-3496

 See Website

Utility/Rental/Mortgage (Veterans Only)

Utility/Rental/Mortgage (Veterans Only)

Amistad for Veterans Project (AFVP)

(915) 298-1107

See Website

Food Security

Food Security

El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank

(915) 298-0353

See Website

Childcare Services

Childcare Services

YWCA Paso del Norte Region

(915) 519-0000
Diana Hastings

See Website

Domestic Violence / Abuse Prevention

Domestic Violence / Abuse Prevention

Center Against Sexual & Family Violence

(915) 593-7300 or 1 (800) 727-0511
24 Hour Crisis Hope-line Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

See Website

For Non-Profits

If you are a non-profit organization, please feel free to see below for more information about potential opportunities with the City of El Paso’s Department of Community and Human Development (DCHD). Please join our mailing list below if you would like to learn more.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

Funded under the McKinney Vento Act as amended by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009, this grant combines Emergency Shelter, Street Outreach, Homelessness Prevention, and Rapid Re-housing activities. It’s designed to provide essential street outreach and emergency shelter services as well as emphasize homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to assist individuals and families quickly regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis of homelessness. This grant is funded through the Housing and Urban Development's Office (HUB) and managed by the City of El Paso’s Department of Community and Human Development.

ESG Program funds are available annually and are awarded through the Department of Community and Human Development through a grant application process. Non-profit agencies and government entities are eligible to apply. Please contact the Community and Human Development office for applications and more details.

Contact Information

Community + Human Development 
(915) 212-0138
[email protected]

Homeless Housing & Services Program

HHSP was established during the 81st Texas Legislature through an appropriations rider and codified during the 82nd Texas Legislature. The Texas Department of Community Affairs (TDHCA) administers funding to the eight largest cities in support of services to homeless individuals and families. Cities currently served through HHSP include Arlington, Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.

The Homeless Housing and Services Program (HHSP) is administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). This funding helps prevent 
homelessness, provides rapid re-housing for those experiencing homelessness, case management, transitional housing for youth, and essential services to youth. 

Agencies that are eligible to apply include: 

General set-aside - Agencies currently administering  Homelessness Prevention and/or Rapid Rehousing Assistance programs; and who are able to provide case management as part of their Homeless Prevention and/or Rapid Rehousing Assistance programs.  

Youth set-aside - Agencies currently administering youth homelessness programs for transitional housing of unaccompanied homeless youth and homeless young adults between the ages of 18 and 24. Eligible applicants must provide case management and/or essential services as part of transitional housing to homeless youth. 

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

The City of El Paso receives annual funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing and rental assistance for people living with HIV and their families who are experiencing housing insecurity.

Eligibility for the program assistance must meet the following:

  • People living with HIV who have experienced or are experiencing homelessness.
  • Must be HIV-Positive and residing within the City limits of El Paso, Texas.
  • Must be low-income.

For more information please contact:

Department of Public Health | Prevention Program
701 Montana, El Paso, TX 79902
(915) 212-6700 or (915) 212-6665 - Fax: (915) 212-0183

Mailing List for Nonprofit Organizations

If your nonprofit organization is based in the city of El Paso and would like to explore the grant opportunities provided by the Department of Community & Human Development, please click on the link below to subscribe to our mailing list.

Join our Mailing List