Planning & Inspections

About the Planning Division


The purpose of a subdivision or plat is to ensure that adequate infrastructure (transportation, water, drainage, utilities, parks, public facilities, etc.) is provided to serve a proposed development. In addition to subdivision and development and platting procedures, this program is responsible for processing all annexation applications.

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The purpose of zoning is to protect the public's health, safety, and general welfare and is an important tool for implementing the City's long-range plans. Property must be zoned for a given use before a building permit will be issued and development plans for the property must comply with the applicable standards for that zoning district.

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Long Range

The purpose of the Long Range program is to develop and implement goals, policies, and plans related to the future growth and development of our City and the region. In addition, the Long Range Program, administers the SmartCode land development ordinance, an alternative to conventional zoning adopted in 2008 to encourage “smart growth” development patterns that include walkable neighborhoods with a mix of densities and uses.

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Planners representing each of these programs are available at the One-Stop-Shop to answer questions and provide information to customers regarding current and long range planning issues. In addition, the Planning Counter at the One-Stop-Shop serves as the intake and initial review point for all Subdivision, Zoning and SmartCode applications.

One-Stop Shop Planning Counter

Plan El Paso

Plan El Paso, the City of El Paso’s Comprehensive Plan, provides the basis for El Paso's regulations and policies that guide its physical and economic development. 

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