The City of El Paso – Department of Public Health (DPH) is issuing this health advisory in response to increasing concerns regarding the ongoing Measles Outbreaks occurring in Lubbock and Gaines County.See Advisory
The mission of the Department of Public Health Immunization Program is to immunize the population of El Paso, and surrounding areas, in order to stop vaccine-preventable diseases. The program provides immunizations to uninsured children and adults of all ages.
Find information regarding the current Measles outbreak:
Measles Information
Immunizations Administration and Appointments: (915) 212-6555
Clinic Schedule
9341 Alameda Ave.El Paso, TX. 79907
(915) 212-0758 Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm Closed for lunch - 12pm - 1pm Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
721 S. Mesa St. El Paso, TX. 79901
(915) 212-0756Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm Closed for lunch - 12pm - 1pm Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
9566 Railroad Dr. El Paso, TX. 79924
(915) 212-6626 Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm Closed for lunch - 12pm - 1pm Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
7380 Remcon Circle El Paso, TX. 79912
(915) 212-8890 Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm Closed for lunch - 12pm - 1pm Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
The Texas Vaccines for Children Program (TVFC) manages the vaccine distribution for 118 TVFC Providers in El Paso and surrounding areas. TVFC staff conducts yearly Immunization record audits for daycares/headstarts and public/private schools; provides technical support, ImmTrac-Texas Immunization Registry training, Immunization Schedule/Vaccine Management training to TVFC providers; conducts educational presentations, participates in different community events.
Vaccinations Available
In order for clients, birth through 18 years of age, to be eligible to receive Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) immunizations at the Department of Public Health Clinics, they must meet one of the following eligibility criteria:
Insured children with vaccine coverage who have high co-pays or deductibles are no longer considered underinsured. These children are now considered fully, privately insured, and are no longer eligible for TVFC vaccines. Make sure to contact your insurance and health care provider to verify your coverage and ensure that your physician has the vaccines your children need to register in time for classes.
For more information on Texas Immunization program, visit
For faster service print, and complete the intake English form Spanish intake form before your scheduled appointment.
The Texas Immunization registry, for children and adults, is a free service offered by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). ImmTrac is a secure and confidential registry available to all Texans. ImmTrac safely consolidates and stores immunization information electronically in one centralized system.
For more information visit:
(If you are 18 years or older and would like to continue to have your immunization information stored in the ImmTrac Registry, please visit one of our health centers to register and sign a consent form.)
The Adult Safety Net (ASN) Program allows eligible adults to receive vaccines at a low cost. In order for adults to be eligible to receive ASN immunizations at the Department of Public Health Clinic, they must be 19 years of age or older and meet one of the following ASN eligibility criteria:
Please complete the top of this Eligibility Screening Form - Eligibility Screening Form (Spanish), answer all questions, and sign it. Print and bring the form with you, or be prepared to complete it during your appointment.
For more information call (915) 212-6555.
Vaccine-preventable disease levels are at or near record lows. However, we are unable to take this for granted. It is important that children and adults continue to receive their immunizations on time every time. If we stopped vaccinating, diseases that are almost unknown would reappear in our community. Vaccines are designed not to just protect our children but our grandchildren and their grandchildren.
For more information on Immunizations, Immunization Schedules (Infants, Children, and Adults), TVFC Program, ImmTrac, School/Daycare requirements or to review qualification guidelines, please visit the following websites: