The City of El Paso – Department of Public Health (DPH) is issuing this health advisory in response to increasing concerns regarding the ongoing Measles Outbreaks occurring in Lubbock and Gaines County.See Advisory
Improve the access and provision of preventive health services for Medicaid and low-income uninsured populations in El Paso and Hudspeth counties.
The Medicaid Waiver Program assists children and families with linkage to care and access to preventive health services. The aim is to improve the overall well-being of communities in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.
Program Location 9566 Railroad Drive, El Paso, TX 79924(915) 212-6532
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Cancer Screening Services
The Medicaid Waiver program joins forces with local healthcare providers to reduce the rate of cancer diagnoses and educate the public on the importance of cancer screenings. The following screenings are offered to program participants who meet qualifying criteria:
Vaccination Services
Vaccines are the best way to prevent infectious diseases and to help ensure our community has access to immunization services the Medicaid Waiver program covers the fees for the following:
Health Referral Interviews
The program specialists conduct a referral interview to identify the type of health services needed. Based on the referral interview, participants receive vouchers and referrals for redemption of health services at designated clinics. Certified staff and clinicians are available to conduct health screenings and provide referrals to several areas of health:
For more information about these services, please call (915) 212-6532
Community Health Outreach
To expand the delivery of services, the program collaborates with local organizations, universities and other healthcare providers to offer free health screenings, immunizations, and education at nearby community settings. Highly qualified staff are available to conduct outreach at various community sites including:
To schedule an outreach event please call (915) 212-6532
Resource Guide
A community resource guide was developed by public health specialists to coordinate medical, social, and support services. An array of information is available in this guide to further enable access to additional services:
The Vaccinations for Health program is a collaboration between the El Paso Fire Department and the El Paso Department of Public Health to provide preventative health care to the uninsured and/or Medicaid who are 50 years or older.
Health Screenings and Flu Vaccinations to Anyone 18 Years and Older
Flu Vaccine Safety Information
Pneumococcal vaccine to anyone 65 years and up and/or individuals between 19-64 with an underlying health condition that provide a physician RX for its administration. Underlying health conditions include:
Pneumonia Information
ColoCARE (Colorectal Cancer Screening) for Men and Women 50 years and Older
Colorectal Care Info
ColoCARE® – Instruction Sheet