The City of El Paso – Department of Public Health (DPH) is issuing this health advisory in response to increasing concerns regarding the ongoing Measles Outbreaks occurring in Lubbock and Gaines County.See Advisory
The CDC Health Equity Program is a multidisciplinary team working together to build, leverage, and expand infrastructure to support COVID-19 prevention and control. Through the mobilization of partners and collaborators, the program continues to ensure resources are available to the community in order to maintain and manage medical, physical, and mental health.
Our Services:
Referral Programs:
Health EducatorGabriela Herrera, Health Project Coordinator(915) 212-7758[email protected]
Patient Health NavigatorsLeidy Arredondo, Health Project Coordinator(915) 212-7854[email protected]
Medical TeamAndrea Salcedo, Nurse Practitioner(915) 212-6599[email protected]
Request Referral Services(915) 212-7881 | (915) 212-7875[email protected]