Public Health

The City of El Paso – Department of Public Health (DPH) is issuing this health advisory in response to increasing concerns regarding the ongoing Measles Outbreaks occurring in Lubbock and Gaines County.
See Advisory

Speakers Bureau

The SB is composed of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who offer presentations and educational materials on the subject areas listed below. 

To request that our staff participate in a health fair please send an email directly to [email protected]


Request Form

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Up-to-date information about the global pandemic and its effects on the El Paso border region
  • Prevention methods, signs and symptoms, resources

2-1-1 Information & Referral

  • 2-1-1 Services - The presentation will describe the services and scope of work provided.

Disease Prevention & Treatment

  • Flu Prevention - Participants will learn different methods of prevention and how to minimize exposure to communicable diseases, including the 4Cs.
  • ImmTrac2 Texas Immunization Registry - Participants will learn about the benefits of ImmTrac2 as a lifetime immunization registry.
  • Pertussis - Participants will learn different methods to prevent and/or minimize the level of exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Vaccine-Preventable Diseases - Participants will learn methods of prevention for vaccine-preventable diseases such as Hepatitis B, HPV, and Tetanus.

Food Safety

  • Food Safety - This presentation provides general food safety information including appropriate cooking temperatures, equipment contamination, and hygiene.

Health Education & Promotion

  • How to Talk to Kids about Sexuality - Talking to your children about sexuality should be a lifelong conversation. However, for some, breaching this subject with their children can be difficult and uncomfortable. This presentation will equip parents with tools, resources, and skills to help make these conversations a little less challenging.
  • HIV 101 - This presentation discusses HIV prevention, signs and symptoms, modes of transmission, and referrals.
  • Overview of DPH Services - Public Health has been in existence since the 18th century in different forms. Over time, it has evolved into the modern and comprehensive public health model we use today. Learn about the history of our health at the Department of Public Health and how we have evolved locally over the years.
  • Public Health Essentials - This presentation explains what is public health and how it is part of our everyday lives. Participants will learn about the role and importance of the local health department services such as food inspection, education, immunizations, and more.
  • Tobacco Awareness and Prevention - This presentation teaches parents how to talk to children about avoiding tobacco products, including the short and long-term health effects.
  • West Nile Virus - This presentation will define epidemiology, vector, transmission, disease symptoms, and prevention. Participants will learn the 4Ds of prevention.
  • Zika - This presentation will provide information on the background of the disease, symptoms, modes of transmission, and ways to prevent mosquito bites.


  • ImmTrac2 Texas Immunization Registry - Participants will learn about the benefits of ImmTrac2 as a lifetime immunization registry.
  • Vaccine-Preventable Diseases - Participants will learn methods of prevention for vaccine-preventable diseases such as Hepatitis B, HPV, and Tetanus.


  • Laboratory - This presentation provides an overview of laboratory testing performed for the DPH STD Clinic, DPH HIV Prevention Program, local hospitals and clinics, Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), City of El Paso Animal Services Department, private water and ice distributors, and permit-seeking food vendors.

Nutrition Education

  • A Guide to Healthy Eating - Participants will learn about healthy eating habits and exercise, including keeping a food journal, meal planning, and mindful eating.
  • Infant Feeding - Participants will learn the benefits of breastfeeding infants and be provided with various resources.
  • Mother-Friendly Worksite Initiative - This presentation will provide information about mother-friendly work sites. Information will entail how businesses can benefit from the program and how to go about and fully support employees through the worksite lactation support program.
  • Nutrition for Children 0-5 Years - The class focuses on nutrition for children 0-5 years old. This is a great chance to get individual help with any concerns about your child's eating habits and their healthy active living.
  • Nutrition for Pregnant Teens - This presentation provides generally recommended nutrition during pregnancy.
  • WIC Program - This presentation focuses on the WIC Program and provides detailed information on how to qualify for WIC and the benefits offered.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness

  • Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)- Participants will be provided with a general overview of continuity planning that incorporates how to identify workplace hazards, assess mission essential functions, preserve the safety and security of personnel and essential records, and ensure communication and technological information is accessed, circulated and distributed at the agencies respective level of preparedness.
  • Extreme Weather Preparedness: Rainy Season and Flooding - Participants will learn how to identify monsoon season hazards, ways to prepare, and how to prevent the effects of this season.
  • Extreme Weather Preparedness: Summer Heat - Participants will learn how to prepare for summer heat hazards and how to prevent harmful effects of this season.
  • Extreme Weather Preparedness: Winter Weather - Participants will learn how to identify winter weather hazards, ways to prepare, and how to prevent the effects of seasonal hazards.