The Division of Veteran and Military Affairs will serve as a liaison between the City of El Paso, Fort Bliss and other outside agencies, including but not limited to, federal, state and local Military organizations. The office will provide guidance, direction and coordination of Regional Military Issues and Veterans related issues.
Chief Military Officer Paul Albright CSM (retired)[email protected][email protected](915) 212-1447
El Paso VA Health Care Clinic Texas Veterans Network El Paso County Veteran Resource Directory Texas Veterans Commission Texas Veterans Land Board Texas Workforce CommissionEl Paso Helps
The Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee (VAAC) exists to serve as a source of information, review and strengthen veteran programs and services, stimulate public awareness, and report the status of activities for El Paso's large veteran population. The VAAC shall consist of 9 members appointed by the Mayor and each City Council Representative. The El Paso County Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee and serve in an advisory capacity to the Committee.
The VAAC holds monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday of a given month, except for the month of December.
View the latest Committee meeting Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee
Upcoming Committee Meeting will be live streamed at:Channel 13.4 over the Air, Channel 1300 on Spectrum, and Channel 99 on At&T U-verse.
Presentation about VA Health Care System - Community Care Service - August 2024Presentation to Mayor and City Council May 2024 - See Council VideoPresentation to Mayor and City Council April 2023 EP Vet Needs Assessment Presentation to Council May 2020 El Paso Area Veteran Needs Assessment Survey Results Report
2025 VAAC Annual Meeting Schedule VAAC 5 Year Strategic Plan VAAC Bylaws Resolution to establish the VAAC
The persons appointed to this Committee shall either be veterans of the United States Armed Forces or the spouses or domestic partners of a veteran and should have an interest in improving the everyday life of our military veterans.
All commissioners will serve 4 year terms. Members shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms. Appointments to vacancies that occur other than by expiration of a member's term of office shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor and City Council for the remainder of the unexpired term. Committee membership is not transferable or assignable.
The current VAAC members are: