Capital Improvement

Safe Routes to School

What is Safe Routes to School

The City of El Paso Safe Routes to School Initiative is a long-range strategy to promote walking and biking to school and engage the community in creating a healthier environment for El Paso students. By focusing on infrastructure improvements, education, community engagement, and policy changes, we aim to create a safe, vibrant, and healthy community where students can confidently walk or bike to school.

Together, we can build a future where our children can thrive in a secure and active environment.

Read the Action Plan

Updates and Events

  • City Council Adoption
    On September 10th the City of El Paso formally adopted the Safe Routes to School Action Plan launching the initiative city-wide.
    See Resolution

  • Walk to School Day
    National Walk to School Day is the first Wednesday in October. To plan a walk-to-school event, check out the community toolbox or contact the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager.
    Contact Us  


  • Bike Safety Extravaganza
    The City of El Paso, University Medical Center, and Sam’s Club worked together to host a Bike Safety event complete with free snacks, free bicycle helmets, a bike safety course, and rules of the ride education station.
    Bike Safety ExtravaganzaBike Safety ExtravaganzaBike Safety Extravaganza

  • El Paso awarded a federal grant for Safe Routes to School
    After adopting Vision Zero, El Paso’s plan to end roadway fatalities, the City was awarded 2$ million as part of the Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant to launch a Safe Routes to School Program. The funds will go to infrastructure improvements at Priority Schools
    View Priority Schools

Submit Your School Route

Use the community toolbox to plan and submit your schools’ official safe routes to be published on the Safe Routes to School Map

Get Involved Using the Community Toolbox

Schools that participate in the community toolbox, bicycle and safety education, or other safe routes to school programs will be granted a formal “Safe Routes to School” designation and plaque from the City.