City of El Paso administrative offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Planning & Inspections

Event Types


An athletic event, march, pageant, procession, or other similar activity consisting of persons, animals, vehicles, or things, or any combination thereof, that disrupts the normal flow of traffic upon any public roadways or utilizes the appropriate areas within a city-controlled park.


  • Complete Application: All complete applications must be submitted 1 year to 30 days in advance of the event.
  • Route Description: The application must include a written turn-by-turn description of the route.
  • Route Map: The application must include a clear copy of a map outlining the proposed route with staging, start, end, and disbanding points.
  • Authorization Letters: If the event footprint extends onto private property, it is necessary to obtain a letter of authorization from the property owner. Additionally, the requirement for a Temporary Use Permit will be determined upon submission of the application.
  • Streetcar ApplicationApplication is required for any events conducted within the vicinity of the El Paso Streetcar (EPSC) Operational Right-of-way (ROW), including within a 10-foot proximity of such infrastructure.

Parade Permit Fees:

  • Application Fee: $135.00 cash/check or $137.67 credit card. (Application fee is non-refundable)
  • Late Application Fee: $266.00 cash/check or $271.27 credit card. (Application fee is non-refundable)
  • Additional Fees: Applicant is responsible for paying all costs associated with services performed by the City including Police, Parks, Health Department, and Cleaning Services.
        — If requesting PD services the deposit is to be paid no later than 2 business days prior to the event date.




A temporary event permit is required for any bazaar, block party, street dance, sidewalk sale, show exhibition, local special event, festival, celebration, or any similar occurrence that meets ALL of the following:

  1. Lasts 24 hours or less.
  2. Takes place on City right-of-way (street, alley, or sidewalk).
  3. Does NOT exceed one city block or intersection.
  4. Proposed closure must be 2/3 residentially zoned.
  5. Closure request is made by owners, residents, or tenants in the area or their organization.

*Any event that is to last twenty hours or less that will be conducted on all or a portion of a scenic drive will be classified as a Temporary Event.


  • Complete Application: All complete applications must be submitted 1 year to 30 days in advance of the event.
  • Notice of Proposed Closure: You must collect the signatures and a statement from each owner or occupant of real property abutting the boundaries of the area in which a temporary event will be conducted stating if they consent or object.
    View Notice of Proposed Closure Form
  • Traffic Control Plan: A traffic control plan must be submitted with the temporary event application, demonstrating all traffic re-routing and appropriate barricades & signs must be included. You must contact a traffic control company to draft a traffic control plan for you.
  • Site Plan: A legible diagram that illustrates the arrangement of signage and devices used to manage traffic at your worksite/event, and the location of all items that will be placed within the event footprint, including a legend and north arrow.
  • Alcohol: If having alcohol at the event, include the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) Temporary Event Permit. Insurance will be required as well as a licensed Texas Peace Officer on site.
  • Authorization Letters: If the event footprint extends onto private property, it is necessary to obtain a letter of authorization from the property owner. Additionally, the requirement for a Temporary Use Permit will be determined upon submission of the application.
  • Streetcar ApplicationApplication is required for any events conducted within the vicinity of the El Paso Streetcar (EPSC) Operational Right-of-way (ROW), including within a 10-foot proximity of such infrastructure.

Temporary Event Permit Fees:

  • Application Fee: $135.00 cash/check or $137.67 credit card. (Application fee is non-refundable)
  • Late Application Fee: $266.00 cash/check or $271.27 credit card. (Application fee is non-refundable)
  • Additional Fees: Applicant is responsible for paying all costs associated with services performed by the City including Police, Parks, Health Department and Cleaning Services.
      — If requesting PD services the deposit is to be paid no later than 2 business days prior to the event date.


Chalk the Block 2021

A special event permit is required for any bazaar, block party, street dance, sidewalk sale, show, exhibition, festival, concert, celebration, or other events similar event that takes place on a City street, alley, or sidewalk and meets ANY of the following:

  1. Lasts more than 24 hours.
  2. Exceeds one city block or intersection.
  3. Proposed closure can be in a residential or commercial/manufacturing zone.


  • Complete Application: All complete applications must be submitted 1 year to 30 days in advance of the event.
  • Notice of Proposed Closure: You must provide proof by a mail-out or collect the signatures of the affected person and neighborhood association, if applicable, whose boundaries are included within, either wholly or partially, or whose property abuts the proposed closure area.
    View Notice of Proposed Closure Form
      — Depending on the size of your event, a Notice of Proposed Closure Mail Out may be performed and is
          required to be sent to neighbors, tenants, and property owners on the event footprint.
  • Traffic Control Plan: A traffic control plan must be submitted with the application, demonstrating all traffic re-routing and appropriate barricades & signs must be included. You must contact a traffic control company to draft a traffic control plan for you.
  • Site Plan: A legible site map must be submitted illustrating the footprint of the event. It must include the locations of all temporary structures, portable restrooms, dumpsters, trash cans, public assembly areas, parking and emergency access points, legend, and north arrow.
  • Temporary Structures: If you plan on having booths, tents, stages or any other temporary structures, the application must include a drawing of the structures indicating all dimensions and material makeup.
  • Emergency Access: At least one lane (20 feet) of the street to be utilized must be capable of being opened at all times for access by persons requiring emergency access to properties by police, fire and other emergency vehicles.
  • Vendors: All food and non-food vendors will need to obtain appropriate licensing. Food vendors will be scheduled to come in all at once, on the same day, to obtain all licensing. Please have the number of vendors available upon submission of the application.
  • Alcohol: If having alcohol at the event, include the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) Temporary Event Permit. Insurance will be required as well as licensed Texas Peace Officer on site.
  • Authorization Letters: If the event footprint extends onto private property, it is necessary to obtain a letter of authorization from the property owner. Additionally, the requirement for a Temporary Use Permit will be determined upon submission of the application.
  • Insurance: Insurance is required for all Special Event applications. The certificate of insurance must be included with the application upon submission. The City of El Paso must be listed as an Additional Insured and as the Certificate Holder on the certificate. If having alcohol during the event, the certificate must include liquor liability.
  • Streetcar ApplicationApplication is required for any events conducted within the vicinity of the El Paso Streetcar (EPSC) Operational Right-of-way (ROW), including within a 10-foot proximity of such infrastructure.

Special Event Permit Fees:

  • Application Fee: $375.00 cash or check $383.43 with a credit card. (Application fee is non-refundable)
  • Late Application Fee: $757.00 cash/check or $771.99 credit card. (Application fee is non-refundable)
  • Closure Fee: $53.00 per 12-hour period for residential zones, $106 per 12-hour period for commercial/manufacturing zones.
  • Additional Permits: Depending on the specifics of your event, additional permits from Fire, Health, Parks and other departments and agencies may be required that also require additional fees. An evaluation of these permits will be provided at the time of application submission and during the application processing.
  • Additional Fees: Applicant is responsible for paying all costs associated with all services performed by the City Parks, including Police and Cleaning Services. Please see Additional Considerations.