Fire Department

Free Resources

Free Smoke Alarms

The El Paso Fire Department offers a free Smoke Alarm program for members of the community. This program allows individuals (within the El Paso city limits) to request smoke detectors; we can install new alarms or replace expired alarms. Upon request, a member of the Community Risk Reduction program will contact you to set up an appointment. We will visit your home to install the alarms and demonstrate how they function.

The El Paso Fire Department also offers a smoke alarm program specifically geared towards assisting the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired communities. We install regular smoke detectors along with a special system that will alert the individual that the alarms have detected smoke. The system includes an alarm clock placed by your bedside; this clock includes a visual display alert, a strobe light, and a bed shaker. The system also includes another unit, a strobe light/detector that we will install in a common area, typically a living room. Many people can benefit from this special system we offer, and it is all installed for FREE by the El Paso Fire Department!

Request Smoke Alarm

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the City Information Center at 311 or (915) 212-0000

Note: The EPFD Smoke Alarm Program is only available to residents within the City of El Paso limits. County residents please visit

Blanket & Fan Requests

Blankets and/or fans are available through the Extreme Weather Task Force. To make your request, please dial 211 and then press 1 for the first option. To qualify for a blanket, residents must meet the following criteria: Low income, elderly, or other groups of people that are identified at high risk for weather-related illnesses such as:

Those interested in donating new blanket and/or fans can drop them off at local fire station.

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