City of El Paso administrative offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Fire Department

Vaccinations For Health

Due to ongoing COVID-19 prevention measures, fire department immunization clinics are unavailable at this time.



The Fire Department would like to remind the public that the service is FREE to residents of El Paso and Hudspeth County who are 18 and over and do not have medical insurance or are on Medicaid. Glucose and blood pressure screening are free to anyone 18 and older. Residents who meet these guidelines are encouraged to take advantage of the program. The goal of the program is to increase the wellness of the community.

In addition to the flu vaccine, public health officials remind the public to practice the four C’s in order to help reduce the incidence of infection.

  1. CLEAN - Wash your hands often. Scrub your hands for at least 30 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
  2. COVER – Cover your cough. Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Don’t have a tissue? The crook of your elbow will do.
  3. CONTAIN – Contain germs by steering clear of others who are sick. If you do get sick, stay home until you’re well again, so you don’t spread more germs.
  4. CALL – Call or see your doctor if you or your child has a fever greater than 100 degrees.

Vaccines & Services

Health Screenings and Flu Vaccinations to Anyone 18 Years and Older

Pneumococcal vaccine to anyone 65 years and up and/or individuals between 19-64 with an underlying health condition that provide a physician RX for its administration. Underlying health conditions include:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is required to qualify for the program?
    To qualify you must not have health Insurance and/or covered under Medicaid.
    The age requirements are: 18 years of age and up-Health Screen, Influenza Vaccine 65 years of age and up-Health Screen, Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines
  2. What paperwork is required in order to receive the services?
    A picture ID or any other form of ID are recommended, but not required. All other paperwork will be provided on site.
  3. What are the age limits (parameters)?  
    • 18 years of age and up can receive the Health Screen, Influenza Vaccine, and ColoCARE
    • 65 years of age and up can receive Health Screen, ColoCARE, Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines
  4. What day can we receive the mention services?
    The schedule will be posted on
  5. What are the costs for receiving the services?
    None, but only persons:  
    • 18 years of age and up can receive the Health Screen, and Influenza Vaccine
    • 65 years of age and up can receive the Health Screen, Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines
  6. Is there any transportation to and from the location?
    No, not at this time.
  7. Where are the services being provided?
    The SHOC 5415 Trowbridge and Location to be announced.
  8. What are the hours of operation?
    Usually 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. unless announce a different time
  9. Who is running the program?
    The El Paso Fire Department and Department of Public Health. Contact information is located at or 311.
  10. What are the services being provided?
    • Health Screenings for adults 18 years and older
    • Influenza vaccines for Adults 18 years and older
    • Pneumonia vaccines for Adults 65 years and older
  11. Do I need the flu shot every year?
    Yes, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) it is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get the seasonal flu.
  12. Can I receive the flu shot or other services if I am currently ill?
    No, people who have a moderate-to-severe illness with or without a fever should wait until they recover to get vaccinated.
  13. Is the location where the services are being offered handicap accessible?
    We will assist those that need assistance into the area to complete the Immunization and Screening.
  14. Can I get directions to the location where the services are being provided?
    Location will be announced with directions, and more information will be available at and 311.
  15. Can my children get the flu vaccine?
    No, unfortunately this program is intended specifically for the elderly. Check with your pediatrician or the Department of Public Health for information on immunizations for your children.
  16. What is Vaccinations for Health?
    The program is collaboration between the El Paso Fire Department and the El Paso Department of Public Health to provide preventative health care to the uninsured and/or Medicaid who are 18 years or older.
  17. Can I go to any Fire Station for these services?
    No, we will be announcing the date and location of the service.
  18. How long will it take?
    Wait times will depend on the amount of patients that participate. All participants will be required to fill out a short questionnaire and survey prior to receiving the service. The forms will be available at the location where the service will be provided.