City of El Paso administrative offices will be closed Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Parks & Recreation

Remembrance Tree Program

Remembrance Tree Program logoTrees are one of nature’s best gifts to mankind and the planting of trees has always symbolized peace, life, growth and hope for the future.

The gift of a tree is a unique way to celebrate, honor or memorialize a special individual, group or event, while adding a long-lasting aesthetic and environmental benefit to the entire community.


Contributing to this program is a wonderful way to celebrate a special occasion, honor or memorialize an extraordinary person.

Your tree(s) will be planted in a public park or other public area.

A tree appropriate to the site will be selected from the City’s approved tree and plant list available on the website. An acknowledgement letter is sent to you, the donor, and a certificate is sent to the honoree or their family. Each year, new donations are honored on the Parks and Recreation website and the donors will receive invitations to Arbor Day celebrations.

Remembrance Tree Donors

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Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipient: Sasha Gerzymisch (pet-dog)
Date: 10/1/2010

Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipient: Irene Gallegos
Date: 10/1/2010

Donor: Mandy & David Chew
Recipient: Coy Childress
Date: 8/25/2010

Donor: Wellington Chew Family
Recipient: Dolph Quijano Sr.
Date: 8/25/2010

Donor: Angelos Family
Recipient: Lucille N. Garess
Date: 7/12/2010

Donor: Tyco Electronics
Recipient: Victor Limon
Date: 6/28/2010

Donors: Steven Shaw, Peggy Shaw, Ronald Shaw and Evelyn Shaw
Recipient: Ed Sochat

Donor: State Farm Bank Supervisors
Recipient: Alex Alvarez

Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipient: Annette Means

Donor: Lon Wall & Yazmin Flores
Recipient: Katelynn Larrissa Wall

Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipients: June & Ray Hermansen

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Donors: Sites Southwest Staff 2008
Recipients: Principals at Sites Southwest LLC, George Radnovich, Phyllis Taylor and Patrick Gay

Donors: City of El Paso Housing Programs Division
Recipient: Charles A. West Jr.

Donors: City of El Paso Financial Services Dept.
Recipient: Ricardo Vargas

Donor: Lorraine Wilson
Recipient: Nancy Ramirez

Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipient: Nell Angelos

Donors: Mountain Arroyos Neighborhood Association
Recipients: Mountain Arroyos Neighborhood Association

Donor: Ann Blumensaadt
Recipient: Norman S. Blumensaadt

Donors: Mr. and Mrs. James E. Riley
Recipients: Mr. and Mrs. James E. Riley

Donors: Montoya Heights Community Improvement Association
Recipients: Montoya Heights Community Improvement Association

Donors: Save the Valley Neighborhood Association
Recipients: Save the Valley Neighborhood Association

Donors: Mr. Bill Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Campbell, Emma Love, Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell, Mrs. Lonnie Pfister, Mrs. Mellita Pisarcik, Mrs. Jeannie Moon, Mrs. Mimi Thackston and Mrs. Annemarie Williams
Recipients: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood (60th Wedding Anniversary)

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Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipient: Harvey D. Hilley

Donor: Tom Angelos
Recipient: Gabrielle Martinez

Donor: Jennifer Miller
Recipient: Ethan Slade

Donor: Joan Bissett

Donor: Melanie Blumenfeld

Donor: Debbie Conner

Donor: Yvonne Davis

Donor: Jennifer Gonzalez

Donor: Leslie Gorman

Donor: Cathy Jones

Donor: Robin Langford

Donor: Gina McLean

Donor: Maribel Norton

Donor: Monica de la Torre