Parks & Recreation

Sports & Youth Programs

The City of El Paso Parks & Recreation offers a variety of sports and programs for all ages. Find information on classes for parents, after-school and summer programs for youth, local coaches looking for players, and players looking to play on a team. For senior programs please visit the Senior Centers to find information on registration and schedules for seniors over 50 years old.

El Paso QuickScores

Visit the El Paso QuickScores website for information on sports center locations, online reservations, guides, and more.

Athletic Field Permit Policy
Background Check Release Form
Sports Officials Complaint Form


Classes for Parents

Parent Classes - $5 fee

Nations Tobin Sports Center 8831 Railroad Dr. - Monday to Friday 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
For information (915) 212-0550.

Acosta Sports Center 4321 Delta St. - Temporarily Closed

Proof of Parent Class Completion from School District
Letters from coach must contain the following information:

  1. Date of class.
  2. Sport the student is participating in.
  3. Person who taught the class.
  4. Contact information for the person who taught the class.

A copy of a sign in roster still meets this requirement, since it includes a date and signature.

Permission Slip for Parents with Children
Parent Permission Slip and Parents Pledge


Player ID Regulations

  1. You must bring the child with you to take a photo.
  2. You must have a copy of the Parent Class Receipt. (Current Parent Class not expired, yearly renewal required).
  3. You must have an Original County Birth Certificate. (Not the one from the hospital).
  4. If you cannot find the Original Birth Certificate then your Passport, Military ID, or School Demographics with photo, will be the only documents accepted.

Hours for picture IDs are as follows:

  • Acosta Sports Center:
    Temporarily Closed
  • Nations Tobin Sports Center:
    Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
    Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Youth Programs

Open Registration/Enrollment

Begins on July 1, 2024 at any open Recreation Centers until school sites meet capacity, it is on a first come first serve basis.


$5.00 a week per child

Youth Scholarship

No Youth Scholarship for After School Program.


Note: Participant capacity is based on staff availability (ratio 1:25)

YISD: Start date July  29,2024 

YISD Schools Address
Alicia Chacon International Elementary 920 Burgundy Dr. 79907
Desertaire Elementary 6301 Tiger Eye 79924
Mission Valley Elementary 8674 N. Loop Dr. 79907
North Loop Elementary 412 Emerson St. 79915
Thomas Manor Elementary  7900 Jersey St. 79915  
Ysleta Elementary  8624 Dorbandt Cir. 79907   

 EPISD: Start date August 5 ,2024

EPISD Schools Address
Archie Coach Duran          5249 Bastille Ave 79924
Cooley Elementary 107 N. Collingsworth 79905
Logan Elementary  3200 Ellerthorpe Ave. 79904
Paul Moreno Elementary 2300 San Diego  79930
Rusk Elementary  3601 N. Copia 79930   
Stanton Elementary  5414 Hondo Pass D. 79924  

 Youth Programs

Summer Programs

The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department offers supervised drop-in summer programs for youth ages 6-14 along with mentor opportunities for teens ages 15-17.

Locations include any of the Department's sixteen (16) Recreation Centers from school dismissal to 6:00 p.m. and a free nutritious dinner is provided for each participants.

The Braden Aboud Memorial Foundation has been a tremendous asset to the El Paso Parks and Recreation After School and Connect Programs.

View Recreation Centers

Sport Center Locations

Chalio Acosta Sports Center

4321 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905
(915) 212-0452

-temporarily closed-


Nations Tobin Sports Center

Nations Tobin Sports Center

8831 Railroad Dr, El Paso, TX 79904
(915) 212-0550

Operating Hours

Monday – Friday
11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

See Events