The Subdivision section of Planning and Inspections is responsible for the review of projects that include land divisions, right-of-way vacations/dedications, easement vacations/dedications, addressing, and street name changes. Subdivision review regulates the division of land to ensure compliance with applicable state and City of El Paso laws and regulations and ensures that development is orderly, efficient, and coordinated within City limits and within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Find Subdivision Documents
Link to Draft Storm Water Design ManualLink to Draft Design Standards for Street Design Manual
811 Texas Ave. El Paso, Texas 79901(915) 212-0104[email protected]Fax: (915) 212-0105
*Not applicable on easement vacation application.
*Submit 9 sets of plat and completed subdivision application form (signature not necessary).
The zoning section reviews development projects for conformance with the zoning regulations, and we work with applicants when they would like to rezone their property, request approval of a detailed site development plan when required, or seek relief from certain zoning requirements (e.g., their setbacks or permitted uses). We also handle general inquiries about zoning requirements.
To find zoning information for your property, go to GIS Map. To find our zoning regulations online, visit City of El Paso Ordinance Title 20.
The Long Range Planning section performs research and prepares reports relating to the direction of City development patterns over a 5- to 30-year period. The section proposes updates to municipal codes regarding development, as directed by the goals and policies defined in the City’s approved comprehensive plan, Plan El Paso, as well as being responsible for updates and amendments to the comprehensive plan, such as revisions to the Future Land Use Map, and updating and developing new Study Area Plans. The section also manages planning applications for areas utilizing SmartCode zoning, and annexation requests.
*File sizes are rather large, please be patient as the files load.